Areas of participation

Biological and health science

Studies on health, humans and animals deceases, odontology, farmacology, pathology, ophthalmology, nutrition, dermatology, immunology, health strategies.

Pure & Applied Science

In this area, works should expose and demonstrate naturals laws and teories that explain it, also comprehend works that gives a practical use to this teories for solve problems of the day to day.

Environment and ecosystem

Studies of polution(air, earth, and water), resources and mannagement, ecology. Works in this area should analyze various enviromental problems and the impact of the human activity on nature. Authors also could propose new ways of eliminate this problems or even solve them.

Engineering, computing and robotics applications

Tecnology, proyects that apply directly scientific and technological principles related on manufacturation and practical uses such as: civil, mechanical, aeronautical, chemical, electrical, electronic, photographic, sound, marine, automotive, cooling and heat, transportation. Theory, principles, laws that govern the energy and the effect of energy on matter.

Social and behavioral sciences

This Area will have a base in the techniques and instruments of social research; observations, interviews, surveys, human and animal behavior, social relations and community, psychology, sociology, archeology, theology, ethnology, linguistics, learning, perception, urban problems, reading problem,
public opinion survey, educational tests, scientific disclosures etc.


Petit debrouillards: under 12 years old.
Junior: From 13 to 15 years old.
Teen: From 16 to 19 years old.
Senior: From 20 to 25 years old.